Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Special thanks to Denys for the photo (it was taken when we ate Korean BBQ)

It's been about a week since I've been driving around without a radio/CD player in my car and has been quite the double edged sword.

The bad, for the obvious reason is that I'm bored out of my mind while driving with no music. So I end up riding around with the windows rolled down in 30 degree weather just hoping to catch a beat or melody or even a siren from vehicles around me.

The positive aspects of this situation is that it's relaxing. You sit there, you drive and your mind just starts wandering off about random things such as life, relationships, school and politics. You drive slower and slower as you get to your destination just because you want an extra few minutes to yourself, in the car, with no music, just you and your thoughts and you let it marinate.

This past week I've discovered that these thoughts are what I yearn for. Whether if it's by myself or if it's shared with whoever is riding with me, I find these moments golden. I have also come to the conclusion that in order for me to be in a relationship with someone these moments must be shared. It's beyond what that other person can do for you, what they do, how much they make, what they look like, what they know about you or how interesting their personality seems. It's how these golden moments are shared that makes a strong bond between two people. NO MATTER WHAT.


Anonymous said...

well said.

Sokai Yoon said...

I'm down for whatever man. I'm back in tiptop shape and ready to tackle the world witcha!

the_Foreigner said...

We are in the same boat homie.
I ain't had a radio in the ride since I bought it in the Summer but it's relaxing to just focus on the open road.

kneesee said...

true indeed. but not having one can drive me off the wall. especially if i'm riding with my mother. good God.