Monday, February 16, 2009


It's Back...
Down N Durty

THAT PANK! say it like you mean it!

it'll be Jay Envy & Yours Truly on the wheels of steel

with Performances from Young IVY and Big Chad Famous

also the early show includes some great bands
Winter Ransome
Niagra Mohawk

If ya missed the last one, then you definitely don't want to miss this!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stupidest Song EvaRrrr

And I Thought "Stanky Legg" was the worst

then came this song...


Old People Suck

As many of you know I've recently been in a conflict with an elderly person, She isn't quite 90 but shes ALMOST there, well at least she looks and sounds like it.

How Many 90 Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?

Click on the image to take the quiz!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tell Everybody That You Know...

If you've been on my Myspace page you've probably heard my latest remix already, but if you haven't here it is.

Also special thanks to C.Will and Tunde for the graphic they made for me.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Add Your Own Caption!

Okay when I first saw this pic on Facebook my eyes focused on the middle of the pic, then as I looked around I saw there was a lot more going on...

Feel Free to add your own caption down at the comments